Despre Somatic Experiencing®

   Soamtic Experiencing™ a fost dezvoltata de Dr. Peter A. Levine, autorul bestseller-ului "Trezirea tigrului" și este o metoda eficienta de procesare a simptomelor traumei și stresului cronic. Abordarea Somatic Experiencing oferă cadrul de lucru optim evaluării clientului "blocat" sau "înghețat" și instrumentele terapeutice pentru integrarea acestor stări fiziologice care stau la baza multor simptome traumatice.

Florica Motoc - Foto 2
Florica Motoc - Foto 3

Formare în Somatic Experiencing ®


Inner Steps & Somatic Experiencing International


Liane Pinto


Hotel Ibis Bucuresti

Organizational details

Training in Somatic Experiencing®

The training lasts 3 years and will be structured as follows:

 - 1 preparatory module

 - 8 modules (in the first 2 years, 3 modules per year of 4 days each, and the last year will have 2 modules of 6 days each).

The cost of the preparatory module is 200 Euros and has 12 hours of theoretical study and part of practical exercises.

The cost of the training modules is 1200 euros per year (400 euros per module in the first two years and 600 euros per module in the last year).

In order to obtain the SE practitioner certificate, it is necessary to complete all the displayed modules, supervision hours and individual sessions that will take place during the three years, as follows:

      - First year of study: 4 hours of individual sessions + 4 hours of supervision;

       - II year of study: 5 hours of individual sessions + 6 hours of supervision;third year of study: 6 hours of individual sessions + 8 hours of supervision.

The cost of an individual session is 40 Euros, and the cost of an hour of supervision is 45 Euros.

The minimum number of places for the formation and continuation of the group is 35 participants.

To register, you need: 

    -curriculum vitae

    -proof of payment of the preparatory module

    -proof of payment of the advance payment of 200 Euros (equivalent to 50% of the cost of the first module) no later than 30 days before the start of the first module* 

Payment is made in RON, at the BNR exchange rate on the day of payment, to INNER STEPS s.r.l. in account RO10RNCB0074170414710001* Registration confirmation will be sent to you by email.*

 The advance paid is not refundable in case of non-participation in the training for personal reasons.

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